Several Logan County Township Trustees have submitted their own opposition letter to oppose Fountain Point Solar. If you see any of them around town, please shake their hand and say thank you for supporting No Solar In Logan County! Every one of them deserve your vote!! If your township trustee isn't listed, pick up the phone and let them know they lost your vote when they are up for re-election.
Jacob Vitt, Liberty
CJ Hostetler, Liberty
Matt Wiley, Jefferson
Scott Armentrout, Jefferson
Anthony Bernard, Jefferson
Kyle Knief, Bloomfield
Steve Lithgo, Zane
Doug Henry, Zane
Jack Graham, Zane
Jason Faulder, Washington
Dale Barns, Monroe
Eric Yoder, Monroe
Don Bradley, Monroe
Kelly Copeland, Bloomfield
Peter Stolly, Lake
James Wish, Lake
William Nichols, Lake
Charles Strayer, Pleasant
Stephen Sanders, Pleasant
Jeffrey Schindewolf, Pleasant
John Brose, Perry
JD Gibson, Perry
Ken Rosebrook Sr, Perry
David Jackson, Harrison
Gary Campbell II, Harrison
Jerold Wiford II, Harrison